Code of Conduct

Furry Retreat Code of Conduct

-All attendees are assumed to have read and understood the Furry Retreat Code of Conduct and agreed to the terms set forth herein when receiving a badge.

-All attendees agree to indemnify and hold harmless Furry Retreat and staff from any claim for personal injuries or other damages or equity arising out of any individual’s activities at Furry Retreat, even if such injury or damage is caused by negligence by or on the part of Furry Retreat or staff.

Who is welcome to join us?
- Anyone who has registered for the event, whether by pre-registration online, or registering on site.
- Attendees who are 18 years old or older on or before the date of the event. Minors are STRICTLY prohibited from this event.
-Attendees who have signed the liability waiver and agreement to abide by the rules of the event and this code of conduct.
-Attendees are REQUIRED to provide a proper form of government issued identification at registration.

- Harassment towards attendees or staff of Furry Retreat  is strictly forbidden. If you experience or witness harassment, please contact a member of staff  immediately! Please be aware that harassment is defined as any unwanted contact, whether it's physical, verbal, or sexual, that continues after the offender has been informed to stop. Harassment will be handled with a zero tolerance policy.
-Willful destruction of property will not be tolerated! Any attendee  causing damages to Furry Retreat property or venue property will be held monetarily responsible for the damages caused.

-Any attendees engaging in behavior which endangers life or property will have their badge revoked immediately and may be barred from future events.

-Adult or sexual activities must be done in a discreet and private manner  out of view from the public eye.
-It is expected that all State, Federal, and Local laws will be followed by the attendees.
*You will be reported to local law enforcement if you have been found to  be conducting illegal activities, in possession of prohibited substances such as illegal drugs, or giving alcohol to attendees under 21 of age at our event!


-Attendees may bring animals. Attendees are required to be in close proximity to the animal, remove and dispose of any waste into the dumpster, and must keep their animal on leash or run at all times! Should an attendee's animal behave inappropriately, such as, but not limited to, making loud noises, staff reserves the right to request for the animal to be kenneled or for the attendee to remove the animal from the park grounds.

-Attendees are  NOT allowed to bring an animal that is auditorily disruptive, aggressive, or otherwise a danger to attendees and/or other animals. Furry retreat staff will require the animal to be removed from the park grounds, if deemed so.

-Furry Retreat accepts no liability for damages caused to property, attendees, or attendees' animal(s) by another attendee's animal.

-Furry Retreat reserves the right to revoke the attendance of any animal from the park or event for any reason. Animals without current vaccinations and records (e.g., rabies, parvo, etc.), where applicable, are not permitted to attend under any circumstance. This is for the safety of attendees and their animals.

- When setting up your camping arrangements, please be aware of the ground around you and manage any trash you or your group may generate. There are dumpsters on site and zero excuse to leave trash behind!
-Smoking tobacco is allowed on all outdoor areas of the campsite, but please be considerate that not everyone likes the smell or may have underlying health issues that can be aggravated by tobacco smoke. There will be a few "butt" cans around the campsite. PLEASE use them or toss them into the fire or other acceptable trash receptacle.

Use of Medical Marijuana
-Medical Marijuana use IS allowed on the campsite, within designated areas to valid Oklahoma Medical Marijuana License holders OR those possessing a valid Oklahoma Temporary Patient License. Oklahoma does not allow reciprocity with other states' medical marijuana cards except through it's Oklahoma Temporary Patient License, meaning that Furry Retreat will not be recognizing out-of-state licenses UNLESS they possess a VALID Temporary Patient License as well.
-Medical Marijuana may NOT be stored in the cabins. Medical Marijuana must be either in your direct control at all times (in a pocket, bag, purse, etc.) or stored securely in your vehicle.

-Minors are NOT ALLOWED at the Furry Retreat

-Attendees must be 18 or older in order to attend.

-It is required that you have your badge on you while you are at the event, and be able to produce it if requested. Please note this is for attendees' safety. If an attendee does not have or loses their badge, they may go to registration for a replacement.
-Tampering with the badge in any way shape or form is not allowed.

Dress Code

-The following are not permitted at Furry Retreat:


-It goes without saying that failure to comply with the Furry Retreat Code of Conduct, applicable State, Federal, and/or Local laws, rules of the park, and/or request by staff can result in ejection from the event and park, temporarily or permanently.

-Furry Retreat reserves the right to deny or revoke attendance at any time for any reason. Upon attendance revocation, that attendee must surrender their convention badge to Staff and leave the park spaces immediately. Attendee will not be entitled to any manner of refund or compensation.

-Furry Retreat reserves the right to amend these rules without prior or posted notice.

-None of these rules supersede any park rules, local or state laws.


                                                                                                                                                                                          One more thing..........

It's great that you've read through this! We look forward to seeing you here with us. We generally trust that our attendees will follow the rules of common sense throughout the weekend. Please understand that staff is always here to lend a helping hand when it's needed! Never be afraid to approach a staff member for any reason!